Wellington Northeast Neighborhood Association
P.O. Box 785
Noblesville IN 46061-0785
[email protected]

From the President – 2016 Spring Newsletter

posted March 21, 2016

What an amazing winter this has been! Since taking office this last October, saying I have “hit the ground running” would be an understatement. The start of a “New Year” is always an exciting time. Somehow, it signals a fresh new beginning and a resetting of goals, dreams, visions, and a determination to press forward in faith! I sincerely hope and pray it is all the above for you and yours!

I would like to take this opportunity to highlight some of the exciting things ahead for us as a neighborhood. Also, I would like to share the officers’ ideas for this year’s potential projects.

  1. Additional lighting for our parks and Allisonville Road entrance.
  2. New patio furniture for the North Pool.
  3. Repairing the East Park fence.
  4. Many repairs to both pools.

Our semi-annual meeting will be coming up this month (March 31st) at 7:00 pm and your ideas and input would be greatly appreciated.

Believing for God’s Best in your life!

John Frank, WNNA President