Wellington Northeast Neighborhood Association
P.O. Box 785
Noblesville IN 46061-0785
[email protected]

From the President – 2017 Spring Newsletter

posted May 3, 2017

Fellow neighbors,

One of my major missions has been to centralize the exchange and storage of information pertaining to neighborhood activity. I am happy to announce that we are now utilizing Google Docs as a means to store electronic files on neighborhood activities, documents and information tracking.

Additionally, a challenge neighbors and the board face is continuity on who to contact for various events that come up throughout the year, especially as board members change. To solve this, we have set up online forms that can be accessed here on this website, both on the home page on the right-hand side under “Online Forms” and also on the contact page. This system will allow neighbors to go through the same process regardless of who is serving on the board.

We currently have 3 online forms that we ask neighbors to use for these common functions:

Neighbor Complaints or Inquiries. You may experience challenges with others in the neighborhood that you wish to bring to the board’s attention. Using this online form will create a “ticket” that is sent to the board for review and handling.

Home Improvement Requests. This is a big area that we are excited to streamline, as often people have projects that they want to work on but do not necessarily know what information is needed from the Architectural Control Committee. This system will gather all pertinent information and send to all members of the committee for review.

Volunteer to Help Neighbors in Need. I have had many reach out requesting help on various things (e.g. leaf raking/driveway snow removal) and have also had people offer to volunteer to help others. This online form will allow us to gather and track willing individuals to help others that have needs that arise.

Thanks to all for your efforts of making our community tremendous!

Be well,
Matt Heffernan