I’m hoping everyone’s summer has been great and all had opportunities to enjoy the amenities in our neighborhood. A big THANK YOU to all my great volunteers who pitched in to assist me and the board; stepping up for general repairs, weed trimming, toilet fixing etc….. Volunteers are truly the key to keeping our costs down and our neighborhood great!
The season started off with a bang, or should I say falling and flooding. The wall at the South Pool that detached from supports as well as a pipe break flooding whole pump room was a rough start. I’m proud at the speed at which the board and myself got the insurance claim up and running, as well as multiple contractors working and things back up and running quickly. Yay team!
For recreational members, the feedback on new pool management company has been positive. Our goals were accomplished with attentive and responsible guards, great water quality, and swim lessons.
The new policy of locking tennis courts to ensure use only by rec members was a sound decision. It encouraged membership which in turn helps with the large cost of maintaining these amenities we enjoy.
Upcoming projects will include repair of a sink hole at the East Park, addressing landscape issues at the South Park (the mud on the Glasgow sidewalk), and researching the possibility of rubberized mulch in all of the playgrounds to improve safety and lower our yearly maintenance costs, so be watching for these improvements.