Happy New Year! Let’s shake off these winter blues. As we say goodbye to 2018, we anticipate great things for 2019.
If you were to choose a word to describe 2019, what would it be? Now that 2019 has started many of us are already used to looking ahead at this time of year: gym membership, diet plans, and New Year’s resolutions. One of my favorite things about a new year is the hope and joy that it brings as well as excitement and new challenges. With that being said, I truly believe our neighborhood will continue to prosper and grow in 2019.
Since the election in September, your officers have been meeting frequently to discuss and update changes to our neighborhood covenant and by-laws, which were suggested over the last few years. Preparing for these changes is going to take a grass root effort all across our neighborhood. We are asking for your support for these changes and will hold a special TOWN HALL MEETING, May 23rd, 7 p.m., First Christian Church. Our attorney, Tom Murray, will be available to answer questions.
We hired a new pool company, Aquatic Management of Indianapolis, for the 2019 season. They come well qualified with many years of pool management experience. Thank you, Holly Johnson, for finding a new and reliable company.
The Annual Dues Invoice will be in the mail shortly. Our Executive Committee thanks you in advance for your prompt payment. Our vendors appreciate payments in a timely fashion and we can’t do that without you.
I thank you for a great 2018 and, in 2019, I look forward to turning the dreams for our neighborhood into realities.
All the best in your life,
John Frank