Wellington Northeast Neighborhood Association
P.O. Box 785
Noblesville IN 46061-0785
[email protected]

2018 Fall General Membership Meeting

2018 Fall General Membership Meeting

When: Thursday, September 20, 2018 - 7pm
Where: First Christian Church

The 2018 Fall General Membership Meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept 20th, 7 pm, at the First Christian Church. Two important items on the agenda are the election of officers for 2019 and a vote on the proposed dues increase.

The following residents are currently running for WNNA officers: President, John Frank; Vice President, John Krzyston; Treasurer, Rob Place; Secretary, Elizabeth Davenport.

We will also accept nominations from the floor, at the meeting. The individual being nominated must be present at the meeting to accept the nomination.

Voting Procedure

You must be a WNNA member in good standing (dues are fully paid through 2018) in order for your vote to count. There will be a proxy ballot attached to the new resident directory that should be distributed around Labor Day, along with the newsletter. Your address and lot number should be printed at the top of that form.


Please check and make sure that info is correct. You can drop off the form at my home: 412 Moorgate Ct. There is a WNNA envelope in the newspaper box attached to my mailbox. Deadline for this method is 6p.m, Thursday, Sept. 20th.

If you plan to attend the General Membership meeting that evening, you can bring your form with you and give it to me, Elizabeth Davenport, Secretary WNNA, at that time.

Meeting Minutes

  • The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.
  • We did not have a quorum.
  • The minutes were read.  There were no changes.
  • Treasurer, Rob Place gave his report:  As of August 31 there was $66,000 in the neighborhood account.  The bill for the wall at the South Park ($11,000) has not yet been paid. There were 172 regular Rec members (down from last year), 40 Senior Rec members (up from last year).  There are $2,860 in outstanding dues.  Insurance costs are expected to increase.  We had fewer social events so we saved money there.  Pool management costs and repairs were much higher than expected.
  • Concerns:  South tennis courts, repairs to playground equipment at the East Park, Repair of the sink hole at the East Park, rubber mulch for the South Park.
  • Architectural Committee:  no report
  • Directory:  As suggestion was made to send the directory by email to anyone who wants it.  That would save money on printing costs, and we could send out an updated version, by email, every year making the information more current.
  • Old business:  Work on the South Park wall should begin in late fall or early winter, weather permitting
  • New business:  Dues vote:  We had a neighborhood wide vote to increase General Membership Dues by $20.  192 residents voted:  155 voted yes, 37 voted no.  The dues increase passed.
  • An election was held for 2019 Officers.  There were no additional nominations from the floor. Results:  John Frank remains President;  John Krzyston was elected Vice-President;  Rob Place remains Treasurer;  Elizabeth Davenport remains Secretary.  Larry Mathews retired as the Section 4 Representative and was replaced by Jennifer Johnson-Kenny, All other Section Reps remain unchanged.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
  • Added note:  John Krzyston resigned as Vice-President a week after this election.  The Executive Committee approved Holly Johnson as the new VP at the October committee meeting.